
Burn Now, Pay Later

It is inconsistent and unwarranted to question the love of God in returning to death the infants and small children who appear before the great white throne. Unlike their first death, in which most of them endured much suffering, their second death, following the day of judging, will be practically painless, perhaps totally so. Yet as mortals, as members of the old humanity, even babes are corrupt in their hearts. The entire creation has been subjected to vanity, the slavery of corruption. Infants and small children, dear as they are to us, are no exception.

Isn't this reminiscent of pagan rituals such as throwing virgins into the volcano? What's the point (purpose) of throwing infants into the Lake of Fire? They've already died once - wouldn't it make more sense for them to grow up and reach a point where they can make their own decisions and be judged by those decisions?