
More Knoch-Off

The recognition of the hidden intention of God as distinct from His revealed will, is vital to our subject at hand. The revealed will of God is well illustrated by our Lord’s reproach upon the cities of Israel in which most of His powerful deeds occurred, “for they do not repent” (Matt.11:20). Since the people had failed to repent, Jesus reproached them for their failure to heed God’s revealed will which had called for their repentance (cf Matt.3:2; 4:17).

Yet the hidden intention of God is equally well illustrated in Jesus’ words in reference and as a complement to His preceding words of reproach upon the people: “At that season, answering, Jesus said, ‘I am acclaiming Thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for Thou hidest these things from the wise and intelligent and Thou dost reveal them to minors. Yea, Father, seeing that thus it became a delight in front of Thee’ ” (Matt.11:25,26).

I'm struggling with this one. I'm wondering if God's "hidden intention" is really just a blind spot on the part of the so-called "wise and intelligent".