
Humanity as abstraction; no suprise

But the believer need not wait until that day. As he matures he will gradually realize that God is All to him now. At first he seeks to inject himself and his will, and the unknown god of chance into the affairs of life. Then he begins to see that God is in all the great crises, the important decisions. But finally he wakes to the fact that everything, no matter what its size or duration, is under His control. All space and that which fills it is subject to the Great Disposer. All time and every event that occurs in it is planned and puts in its appearance when Jehovah wills. If dimension affected the care of God, how small would be his share whose whole life is but a second in the eonian times alone! God is our all, in things great and small! So we anticipate the glorious goal to which He is guiding His universe. May this be the precious portion of all who have partaken of His peace!

Will God blot out our earthly memories or will the horrors and atrocities (of humanity's time on earth) forever be in our minds? Even then (at the glorious end) will some dare to ask, "If you (God) planned every detail, no matter how infinitesimally small, did you really have to make so many suffer? Wasn't there a better way?"