

Our Lord’s apostles are doubtless the best examples of the question of choice. If anyone chose Him, then they did, for they left all and followed Him. Probably they themselves looked at it in this way. But our Lord disillusioned them, and told them plainly, “You did not choose Me, but I chose you” (John 15:16). This applies to all of the disciples, for He declared that no one could come to Him except the Father draw him (John 6:44). Christ knew that no one would come to Him of their own will and determination. They must be drawn. At times it seems almost as if they were forced, as in the case of the apostle Paul, in whom the truth shines more clearly than with the rest. He was determined to oppose God, yet was practically compelled to yield to Him. Was not his conversion of far greater glory to God and more pleasing to Him than if he had made up his own mind to turn to God?

Is it really more glory to God to compel someone to obey Him or to create a creature that is capable of doing so? Just asking.